Zamiokoulkas or Zamia

Common Name: Zamiokoulkas or Zamia
Origin: Tropical forests of Africa

Zamioculcas is perhaps one of the most elegant indoor plants and at the same time perhaps the easiest and most durable plant. It is a perennial plant, which is characterized by a slow growth rate and its height can exceed one meter. It does not have a central stem, but it has many stems.


Its leaves are oval, glossy, leathery, deep green.


It is considered a flowering plant, although 3-4 years must pass before the appearance of the flower. Its flower at first looks like a new shoot but then it looks like a lily flower.


Its soil must be light, with a high content of peat and have good drainage. You can use substrate for cacti and succulents.


It prefers a bright place inside the house, however we are careful not to be hit directly by the sun because it can show burns on its foliage. It can withstand even darker interiors and that is one of the reasons why it is so popular.

Avoid drafts of cold air such as next to a window.

Also, we make sure to place the pot with the zamiokulka away from heating bodies, such as fireplaces, radiators and stoves.


Regarding watering, it has no particular requirements as it is like a succulent. In the summer months the Kalanchoe should be watered 2-3 times a week. The swollen part of its root is used by the plant as a water reservoir. This means that the plant should have relatively dry soil rather than wet. If you water it often the first sign of over watering will be yellow leaves.


To fertilize it, we add liquid fertilizer for green plants every two months, from spring to autumn. In this way, we revive the deep green color and the gloss of its leaves.


We need to cut the dry flowers that have finished blooming so that new ones can come out.

Enemies and Diseases

Being highly resistant to enemies and diseases, the only thing that can shock it is excessive water, which causes root rot.

It is suitable for

  • It is usually planted singly in pots or in small groups in planters.
  • Living room
  • Office - Professional space.

Flowerpot 12 cm- Plant height 30 cm  


Zamiokoulkas or Zamia

Product description

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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