
Common Name: Azalea
Origin: Far East

Azalea is a deciduous shrub with lush foliage consisting of small, lance-shaped, shiny, green leaves.

Its great aesthetic value lies in its abundant flowering in the spring.


Its rich foliage consists of fine, lance-shaped, shiny, green leaves.


Its flowers are single or double, in various colors, monochromatic or bichromatic, which remain on the plant for several weeks.


Since azalea is an acidophilic plant, it needs soil with a low pH, i.e. acidic. Its composition will enhance its growth and ensure proper water drainage. The best soil for gardenia is brown soil.


It needs enough light to bloom, but not direct sunlight especially in summer. Direct sunlight creates a dry environment but also burns its leaves, which is not good for its subsequent growth. So the best place for the azalea in the house is near a south window with a light curtain.


Watering the azalea is also quite important for its health and flowering. It needs a lot of water (not salty) and don't let the soil dry out. It is necessary to keep its soil slightly moist, so it is good to check it regularly.


No pruning needed. Cutting leaves from the top of a stem will stunt its growth. Prune the old yellow leaves growing from the base of the plant. Pruning should be done in early spring.


Fertilize the plant once a month when it is in bloom, with a water-soluble fertilizer with trace elements, suitable for acidophilic plants. This type of fertilizer helps to maintain the pH of the soil at the right levels.

Enemies and Diseases

  • Peripheral wilting at the edges of the leaves show that the atmosphere is dry and we must spray the leaves of the plant with water.
  • It is often affected by insect parasites, such as aphids and mealybugs.
  • Rarely affected by blackleg.

It is suitable for

      • For planting in a pot or planter on the balcony or in the garden
      • Gardenia can be planted in a garden as long as it is in areas with mild winters and is protected from midday sun, especially in the summer months.

  Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L

5,50  - 12,00 

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• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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