
Hosta is known for its beautiful leaves and hardiness. It is an outdoor poa originally from China. It has slightly wavy, white-bordered green leaves with lilac or white flowers, and its flowering starts and lasts all summer. Its height reaches up to 60 cm.


Loves semi-shady and shady places. Direct contact with the sun can create burns on its foliage.


Hosta should be watered regularly, keeping the soil slightly moist. Avoid excessive moisture as this can lead to root problems.


Apply a fertilizer suitable for green plants every 15 days during the growing season and once a month during the winter.


With the arrival of winter, most of the foliage dies at temperatures below 5°C, while the rhizome can survive at temperatures below -34°C.


It can grow in pliable, well-drained soils, but prefers liquids with a high organic matter content.


It is toxic to humans and pets!

Suitable for

  • Rock gardens
  • Balconies and terraces
  • Flower beds
  • Clusters


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• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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