Hamairopas "Houmilis"

Common Name: Hamairopas "Houmilis"
Origin: Europe

"Humilis" is a low palm tree and is characterized by slow growth. Its height starts from 1,5 meters and reaches 2,5 meters. Its width varies between 1 and 1,5 meters.


It has green palmate leaves with spiny stems. It has multiple trunks that start from the base and form a wide crown.


Its flowering period starts from mid-spring to mid-summer. Its flowers are orange and grow in dense axillary inflorescences.


Its fruits are small, round and have an orange-yellow or brown color.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage. It prefers sandy soils, rich in nutrients.


Prefers sunny positions protected from strong or hot wind. In semi-shaded locations, the coloring of the foliage is affected.


It has moderate water requirements, except in the summer months when you can increase its watering. In winter we water about every 10 days. In summer 3 to 4 times a week. In spring and autumn 1 to 2 times a week.


Apply the fertilizer in spring and summer (once a month). You can use either a complete, granular fertilizer by spreading it on the soil between the plants and then watering well, or by dissolving a water-soluble fertilizer in the watering can.


It thrives in places with mild winters and can withstand cold and low temperatures up to - 15ο C. Caution is required with strong winds. Suitable for planting in areas with heavy air pollution. It withstands coastal areas.


It is necessary to remove the dried and diseased shoots in early spring.

Diseases and enemies

The biggest enemy of the palm tree is the red beetle, which penetrates and grows on its trunk. It can damage the plant.

It is suitable for

      • For planting in coastal areas.
      • In individual places in the garden.
      • For planting in a pot.


Available in many sizes, contact us for more information.

Trunk size from 1 m to 10 m

Price per trunk height 170 euros / m


Upon Order

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