
Fast-growing evergreen shrub, with young vegetation of bright red color. Flowers small, white, in inflorescences that appear March-June. Prefers fertile, acidic and well-drained soils. After each pruning we need fertilization and iron to achieve new vibrant red vegetation. In areas that are not very hot in summer the red foliage can be kept all year round. The photonia is generally a fast growing, upright, evergreen shrub and its height can reach 3-5 m and its width 2 m. The leaves are oblong in shape and about 5-7 cm in size and are glossy. At the same time as the new leaves, it bears small white and fragrant flowers, in an inflorescence type, 10-12 cm wide. The flowers later turn into red fruits that ripen in summer and remain on the plant until winter. The photonia grows just as well, in the sun or in partial shade. It thrives in most soils, even the most barren, as long as the soil has improved with the incorporation of organic matter or manure. It wants acidic conditions and is resistant to cold down to -20o C. As a plant it requires minimal pruning, but it benefits enough from light pruning in early spring and summer to maintain the shape of the plant. It is planted either individually or in clusters to create a high fence, in parks, squares, courtyards, cottages and sidewalks.

Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L

7,00  - 24,00 

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