Fern upright

Common Name: Fern
Origin: Tropical regions of Central and North America
The fern is a leafy plant that belongs to the Pteridophyta and the Polypodiidae family. It grows well in gardens and terraces, but also indoors. It does not bloom, but it has great aesthetic value due to its rich and special foliage. It shows relatively fast growth and its final height reaches one meter.
The fern forms pointed, green leaves that are divided into parts, the pinnae. Initially they stand upright and as they grow they lean slightly and exceed one meter in length. Brown spore cases may appear on the underside of the pinnae.
It needs a medium consistency substrate with good drainage and rich in organic matter. It is good to transplant every 2 years.
Prefers positions with west or east orientation. It grows favorably in bright places, but not in direct exposure to the sun.
The soil should be kept moist but avoid overwatering. Prefers high humidity levels.
By regularly spraying the fern foliage with water, the plant remains at the desired humidity levels.
To maintain its rich foliage, it needs a monthly application of water-soluble fertilizer during the autumn and spring months.
It is good to prune old and senescent leaves from the base of the plant, thus avoiding the development of diseases.
Enemies and Diseases
Fern is infested with botrytis (Botrytis cinerea) , a fungus that causes gray rot on its foliage. The infestation is favored in cases of dense planting and use of unsuitable soil that prevents aeration of the roots. In addition to fungi, it is also attacked by insects. Its main enemy is coccoids, which are usually found in the brown spore cases on the underside of the leaves.
It is suitable for
  • Living room
  • Bathroom
  • House entrance
  • Office - Professional space.


Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L


Fern upright

Product description

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