
Common Name: Philodentro

Latin Name: Philodendron scandens

Family: Araceae

Origin: Central America

The philodendron or philodendron (Philodendron scandens) is a fast-growing indoor climber. The philodendron belongs to the plants that clean the atmosphere. It absorbs toxic substances such as formaldehyde and benzene and enriches the air with oxygen.


Its leaves are green and heart-shaped. Their length is 10-12 cm and the width 6-7 cm.


It needs a substrate of medium cohesion with good drainage and rich in organic matter.


Place the plant next to a window with indirect light. Beware the direct sun will cause the leaves to turn yellow. The ideal temperature conditions are from 12 ° C to 26 ° C while at lower temperatures it loses its robustness.


It does not have high demands on the amount of water. Before each watering, first check the soil moisture and if it is dry then water. Avoid leaving water on the plate of the pot.

Tip: 1:

Spraying the leaves with water keeps the plant moist.

Tip: 2:

Need fertilizer suitable for leafy plants once a month throughout the year.

It is ideal to frequently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to clean them from dust. It also helps the plant to breathe better and show growth.


No pruning needed. You can remove injured leaves.


Enemies and Diseases

The most common enemies of the philodendron are aphids, tetranychos, pseudococcus and scab. Treat them with the appropriate plant protection product.

It is suitable for

  • Living room
  • Office - Professional space.


The leaves of the philodendron have a high content of calcium oxalate and are toxic to humans and pets.

8,00  - 22,00 

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• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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