Fig Benjamin

Common Name:Fig Benjamin
Origin: Southeast Asia and Australia

The Benjamin fig is a plant with fast and tree-like growth. It is an impressive indoor plant thanks to its rich, delicate oval foliage.


Its leaves are glossy, green, small and oval.


Their soil should be light, with a high content of peat and have good drainage.


The benjamin fig needs enough light to grow properly with lush foliage. Choose a bright spot near a window, but not directly exposed to the sun, because it can cause burns on its leaves, especially on hot summer days.


When outdoors, it needs frequent watering 2-3 times a week, especially in the hot summer months. If the fig tree is in a pot inside your house, it needs watering once a week, while you will need to moisten its foliage often to prevent drying at the edges of the leaves.


The benjamin fig needs fertilizing every two weeks in the spring and fall, and once a month the rest of the year to maintain its glossy green foliage. Use fertilizer in solid or liquid form always according to the instructions of the formulation. To maintain its rich green foliage it should still be fertilized with iron, choose a liquid formulation for immediate results.


It is sensitive to very low winter temperatures and may cause extensive leaf loss. It does not react well to changes in lighting conditions and position in general.


The benjamin fig produces new leaves and thin branches in the spring. You can prune it by removing dead branches and remove all yellow leaves to encourage the growth of new green growth.

Enemies and Diseases

Its most common enemy is the coccoids that cause cotton blight.

It is suitable for

  • Living room
  • House entrance
  • Office - Professional space.

Flowerpot 20 cm- Plant height 1.40 m

17,00  - 80,00 

Fig Benjamin

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