
Common Name: Tsikas
Origin: Southeast Asia

Although chikas look like palm trees, they are not. It is an extremely slow growing plant with a final height of 2,50 m and pinnate leaves up to 1,50 m long. It is a dioecious plant, meaning there is a male and a female.


Its leaves are thin, lance-shaped, light green and borne on yellow-green stems.


The male inflorescence looks like an upside-down pinecone and has a slight pineapple smell, while the female inflorescence is rosette-shaped with brown leaflets. Its flowering period starts from May to July.

It doesn't bloom every year!!


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage.


Prefers sunny places protected from strong and hot wind. Ideal plant for planting near water.


It has high water requirements. Potted bamboos need more attention to watering especially in the summer months.


Apply the fertilizer in spring and summer (once a month). You can use either a complete, granular fertilizer by spreading it on the soil between the plants and then watering well, or by dissolving a water-soluble fertilizer in the watering can.


It thrives in places with mild winters and can withstand cold and low temperatures up to - 15ο C. Caution is required with strong winds. Suitable for planting in areas with heavy air pollution. It withstands coastal areas.


The only pruning it needs is the removal of its old, withered leaves. This work is done in the spring, after the danger of frost has passed and after the new vegetation has developed.

Diseases and enemies

Cycas is considered a resistant plant to diseases and enemies. One of its enemies is coccoids, their infestation appears with orange spots on the leaves.

A common disease is root rot.

It is suitable for

      • For planting in coastal areas.
      • In individual places in the garden.
      • For planting in a pot.


Flower pot 4 liters



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• Solutions to garden problems
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