
Common Name: Earrings
Origin: South America

The earring is a perennial flowering plant with upright growth, with flowers which, however, tilt downwards. Characteristic of the fuchsia is its beautiful flower which looks like an earring and is available in several colors mainly shades of lilac and pink but also in white. The height depends on the variety and can reach from 60 cm to 2 m.


Its flowers consist of sepals and petals. The sepals are fuchsia or red and the petals pink, white or purple. It has a long flowering period from spring to autumn and in warm areas even until the beginning of winter.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage. Prefers places with moderate shade. In sunny locations it grows better and produces more flowers.


The earring is a sensitive plant, that is why it is preferred to be planted in a pot and not in the garden. Withstands low temperatures up to 0°C.


It needs moist and cool soil to grow and give abundant flowering. Therefore, it is good to water it often with as much water as is necessary to keep the soil moist to a sufficient depth.


Pruning is done in early spring, the shoots are cut strictly, at a distance of 10 cm from the ground. Thus, we achieve the appearance of more new shoots and more abundant flowering.


In order to achieve lasting and rich flowering, it is good to strengthen it regularly from spring to the end of summer.

Diseases and enemies

The earring can be affected by mealybugs, thrips and the tetranych.

It is suitable for

  • planting in pots for balconies.

Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L  


5 in stock

Product description

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