
Common Name: Utensils
Origin: South Australia

Scaevola means "left-handed" and Aemula means "to imitate." It is an annual plant, its maximum height is 50 cm and its length reaches 60 cm. The shape of the flower is unusual.


Its flower has only five petals (hence its common name "half flower") and yellow stamens, the flowers grow in clusters around the stems, creating an asymmetry, which makes the flower look like a fan. The colors of its flowers are purple and white. Its flowering period lasts from early Spring to late Autumn.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage.


Prefers positions with sun or moderate shade. In sunny locations it grows better and produces more flowers.


The utensil is drought resistant, so water only when the soil is dry.


Even its fertilization is important, especially in the spring and summer. It is good to add fertilizer once a month, so that the plant can have rich and continuous flowering.


It cannot stand the cold, for this winter we put it in a sheltered area. Be careful with strong winds. It is suitable for planting in areas with intense atmospheric pollution. Withstands coastal areas.


We need to remove the withered flowers to maintain their vitality and have a prolonged flowering. During the summer, when the first flowering is complete, we top (cut the edge of the shoots between the flowers) the pot to encourage new vegetation, and create denser plants with rich flowering.

Diseases and enemies

The utensil is resistant to pests and diseases. Most problems are related to mistakes made in its care. Care should be taken in watering to avoid rot of the roots and wilting of the flowers.

It is suitable for

      • For flower beds and rock garden compositions.
      • For planting in pots, planters and hanging baskets.

Flowerpot 10.5 cm


Product description

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
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