Wonderfull pomegranate

Common Name: Pomegranate
Latin Name: Punica granatum 
Origin: Persia

The pomegranate is a deciduous tree or shrub with very fast growth. The height of the plant can reach 5-8 m. Its name comes from the Latin word pomum meaning apple and granatus meaning with seeds. The pomegranate is characterized as "the fruit of life and good fortune".


Its leaves are simple, alternate, elongated, lanceolate with toothed edges. They have glands at their base that secrete a resin-like liquid that attracts small insects.

Its flowers are white or pink, grow in the axils of the leaves and stems, and are produced before the leaves develop. Its flowering takes place in March.
The fruit of the pomegranate is an apple-shaped spherical umbilical cord, with a leathery, yellowish-red or reddish pericarp, and encloses numerous spaces, separated by membranous septa.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. It needs rich, deep, sandy clay and irrigated soils. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage.


It is planted in sunny positions and protected from strong winds. It grows in areas with a mild climate and high rainfall.


It has moderate water requirements, except in the summer months when it needs enough water. Irrigation during the period of flowering and fruit development must be done with a certain schedule so that there is sufficient moisture in the soil.


Withstands cold and low temperatures down to -10 ° C. You need to be careful with strong winds. It withstands coastal areas.


Fertilization is considered essential for good production and is done mainly with nitrogen and potash fertilizers. It needs regular watering and the application of a rational oil treatment. Fertilization provides the plants with the necessary nutrients to be strong.


Configuration pruning: It is done in the winter after the fruits have been collected. We remove parts of the plant to create an opening inside the crown.

Fruit pruning: It is severe pruning that is done on old, diseased or neglected trees or on those that we want to drastically reduce their size.

Enemies and Diseases

The most common enemies of the pomegranate are aphids, which remove plant sap, mainly from the young shoots but also the leaves and flowers. They appear in Spring and Autumn. Pseudococcus, the vavakada, which infects shoots and leaves and weakens trees.

Pomegranate leaves are mainly affected by mildew and rust. Important fungi that attack flowers and fruits are botrytis and alternaria. The damages they cause are significant for the quality and quantity of production.  


Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L Plant height 0,70-0,90 m  


The sending and delivery of trees is done ONLY within Prefecture of Thessaloniki.


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