Poinsettia (Alexandrian)

Common Name: Poinsettia or Alexandrine
Origin: Mexico

Alexandrian or poinsettia, also known as the "star of Bethlehem", is one of the most popular plants at Christmas time.


The leaves are simple, large with a length of 7-16 cm, dark green and strongly ribbed.


Its flowers are small yellow, grow in inflorescences and appear in the center of red, pink or white leaves - bracts.

!!For our plant to get the red leaves again, we should place it in a dark place for about 12-14 hours!!!


Its soil must be light, with a high content of peat and have good drainage.


it needs a bright and warm place. A place in the living room or other bright interior space in our home is ideal. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight or strong wind.


Water only when the soil surface is dry to the touch and empty the drain plate frequently. Excessively moist soil leads to leaf fall and root rot.


We do not apply fertilization during the winter, but from March to October every month with fertilizer for flowering plants.


After the holidays, when the red leaves begin to fall, we lightly prune the tops of the Alexandrian to develop new vegetation. We make a new ridge in May, to create more dense and compact foliage for the Alexandrian.

Enemies and Diseases

The main enemies of the poinsettia are the mealybug, the pseudococcus and the tetranychos.

It is suitable for

  • Living room
  • Office - Professional space.

  Flowerpot 17 cm -2.5 L  

6,00  - 9,00 

Poinsettia (Alexandrian)

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