
The melon plant is a plant of warm regions, it is demanding to heat and sensitive to low temperatures. Especially during the ripening period of melon fruits, a necessary condition is the high temperatures and the minimal soil moisture. As for the soil requirements of the plant, it grows successfully in soils of various compositions but thrives best in light-sandy and deep soils, in fertile, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, rich in organic matter with enough potassium and not too wet.

It is known that there are varieties that are very demanding on water and need watering every two days in the spring season and every day in the summer season, so that the soil is kept relatively moist. Excessive water during the flowering period of melons contributes to the drop of flowers and reduced production of melons. Also, when the soil does not drain well, watering the melon can cause various fungal diseases such as fusarium and powdery mildew. Regarding fertilization, melon requires a moderate amount of soil fertilization. We should add well-digested and good quality manure. Fertilization with preparations rich in potassium is also necessary.

The most serious diseases that can affect the melon are downy mildew, powdery mildew, altenaria (leaf burn) and carbonation (plant rot). While, among the insects that can attack the melon is the meligra (aphids).


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