
Nemesia (Nemesia sp.) is an annual, herbaceous, flowering plant. It belongs to the Scrophulariaceae family. It comes from South Africa and can reach a height of up to 50 cm. Its leaves are oblong with a toothed margin and 4-8 cm long. Its stems are tetrahedral, upright and smooth. Its flowers are tubular and consist of two parts. The upper one consists of four lobes and the lower one of two lobes. There are varieties with yellow, red, white or purple color.


Nemesis prefers soils rich, light and with very good drainage. It prefers sunny places but can also withstand partial shade. It is also very resistant to high summer temperatures, as long as it has sufficient humidity.


It has significant requirements for watering. It is needed twice a week during the spring period and every two or three days during the summer period.


It is good to apply fertilizer once a month, during the spring and summer, so that the plant can have rich and continuous flowering.


It is good to remove all the withered flowers so that they can come out new.

Enemies and diseases

In general, it is quite resistant to diseases and insects. Occasionally there are small insects such as aphids or granules on the leaves and flowers.


Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L


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