Olive Bonsai 54

Bonsai are miniatures of real trees. In the same environment where normal trees grow, bonsai grow. Bonsai have the same cultivation care as any other plant. Because they are planted in a limited space, they require a little more attention.

Location of bonsai.

It all depends on the type of our plant. If it is an indoor plant it is better to place it near a large window with the curtains open so that it can see the sun for a few hours during the day. If it is an outdoor plant, then these prefer full sun exposure, but be careful with heat (avoid midday sun) as plants can show signs of scorching.


Next, watering the bonsai is of utmost importance. The requirements of each plant depend either on its species or on its location. If you have them outdoors they require more water during hot periods, while indoors they need more sparse watering. You could aim for it to be watered when the soil surface starts to dry out.


In terms of fertilization, bonsai require more fertilizer during the spring than during the winter. It is good to add a small amount, but in constant doses. There are different types, brands and properties on the market that you can get.


This will serve to renew the soil, improve root aeration and allow it to grow a bit more. Approximately every two years, it is estimated that it should be performed.

Plant dimensions

Height: 0,46 m

Earl width: 0,42 m


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Olive Bonsai 54

SKU: GFA-4B1ECF3CD450 Category:

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