Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)

Common Name: Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)
Origin: Central America
Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is a tropical epiphyte with aerial roots and needs substyling to grow. As an indoor plant it shows slow growth. Its maximum height can reach 2 meters, but it needs support during its growth.
Its young leaves are heart-shaped and are single. As the leaves grow, they show cracks and holes. It is leathery with intense dark green color.
It needs a medium consistency substrate with good drainage and rich in organic matter. It is good to transplant every 2 years.
Choose a bright spot near a window, but without direct sunlight, as it can cause burns on the leaves, especially on hot summer days.


It is sensitive to low temperatures, below 12 ºC. The ideal temperature for its growth is 20-24ºC. It does not tolerate drought.

It does not have high demands on the amount of water. Before each watering, first check the soil moisture and if it is dry then water. Avoid leaving water on the plate of the pot.


It is necessary to spray the foliage at least once a week with water to retain moisture and prevent them from drying out.


It is ideal to frequently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to clean them from dust. It also helps the plant to breathe better and show growth.
In spring and autumn you need fertilizer suitable for indoor plants once a month. Use fertilizer in solid or liquid form always according to the instructions of the preparation.
No pruning needed. Remove injured leaves.
Enemies and Diseases
Monstera is a disease resistant plant. It is rarely attacked by pseudococcus, tetranych and aphids. The biggest problem is excess moisture, because of which botrytis, powdery mildew, rusts and other fungal diseases can appear.
It is suitable for
  • Living room
  • House entrance
  • Office - Professional space.



Monstera leaves have a high content of calcium oxalate and are toxic to humans and pets.  

Flowerpot 4 L- Plant height 1 m- 5-6 leaves

Available in various sizes. Ask us for the price.


Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)

Product description

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