Apple Flowerpot 17 cm-2 L

Common Name: Apple tree
Origin: Caucasus region

The apple tree is a deciduous tree, of moderate growth, with a final height of 12m. The leaves are simple, alternate, ovate, toothed, short-stemmed, with a downy underside. The size and thickness of the leaves are affected by the variety, the growing conditions, the time of their appearance and the vigor of the tree. The petiole of the leaves sometimes bears two small parapetals near the base.

Its flowers bloom every 5 in inflorescences, white or white-pink. Its flowering takes place on the annual shoots in rosettes. Its flowering lasts from April to May.
The fruit of the apple tree is false. The edible part consists of tissues derived from the thickening of the calyx base, corolla and stamens. It has a variety of shapes, from spherical to oblong, the flesh is crunchy or mealy, juicy, sweet, acidic or hypoacidic, and the seeds are brown in color.


The apple tree prefers fertile, deep, well-drained soils with sufficient calcium content. It thrives both in plains and in mountainous areas with enough sunshine. It is resistant to low temperatures.


Coastal and lakeside areas favor the cultivation of apple trees because the risk of frost damage is significantly reduced due to the water surface which helps to maintain the temperature at desired levels. In windy coastal areas, sea droplets can damage its leaves and fruits.


It is resistant to frost and low temperatures down to -20°C. Ideal plant for places with intense air pollution and drought.


It has moderate watering requirements, especially in hot seasons. Young plants, until they settle in their place, need more frequent watering. Once established in one place it is drought tolerant. But production is significantly reduced under dry conditions.


Because its productivity is high, fertilizing with complex slow-release fertilizers is recommended, before and immediately after the end of fruiting.


Configuration pruning: They can be formed into many different shapes: cup, palmette, cord, freeform, and dwarf trees. The selection of the shaping scheme depends, basically, on two factors: the available space and the knowledge of the grower in pruning.

Fruit pruning: Fruiting pruning depends mainly on the variety, age and vigorous growth of the trees. The apple tree bears woody and mixed flowering buds, apical or lateral, in the axils of the leaves on an annual shoot. For this reason, annual shoots are never shortened. These are removed from their base or left unbranched. Shortenings are allowed on wood that is two or more years old.

Enemies and Diseases

Apple diseases are fusiform, powdery mildew, bacterial blight and sepsis (the most important is Phytophlora).

The Fusicladium is the most serious disease of the apple tree all over the world and especially where the climate is wet in Spring and Summer. It affects leaves, tender shoots, flowers and fruits.

The Powdery mildew caused by the fungus Podosphaera leucotricha. It affects leaves, tender shoots, flowers and fruits and causes deformations. It overwinters in buds, needs high humidity, temperatures above 10°C and affects only young developing tissues.

Η Plant damage it mainly affects the neck and main roots of the tree and kills the bark going up towards the trunk. Chlorination of part or the whole tree, cachectic vegetation and apoplexy are observed.


The sending and delivery of trees is done ONLY within Prefecture of Thessaloniki.


Apple Flowerpot 17 cm-2 L

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