
Mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium) is an evergreen, upright shrub that shows slow growth. It originates from western North America. Its height can reach from 1-2 meters. Its leaves are pinnate, leathery and prickly and resemble holly. In winter they change color to red shades. Its flowers are yellow and appear in conspicuous botryoidal inflorescences. Flowering starts in December until Spring. They result in spherical blue fruits that appear from August to October and may persist into winter.


It adapts to all soils, but prefers fertile and slightly acidic soils with good drainage.


It thrives in shady and semi-shady planting locations.


It needs moderate watering, especially in the summer months, but also the first time until it settles in place.


Fertilize with a complete granular preparation once in early spring and once in late autumn to maintain vigor and improve its growth.


No need for pruning! Dry and injured shoots need to be removed in the fall.


It is resistant to frost and withstands low temperatures down to -15°C.


Flowerpot 4 L

10,00  - 36,00 

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