Endurance lawn mix (WEMBLEY)

Available in the following packages: 1kg, 5kg, 20kg

Ideal for stadiums and generally for areas with great use (playgrounds, camps, etc.).

Thin leaf mixture that can withstand the summer with basic care. Among other things, it contains 2 different varieties of LOLIUM PERRENE which are successful in the environmental conditions of our country (hot summers). It creates a dense carpet which returns very satisfactorily after pressing and remains green all year round.

THE MIXTURE CONTAINS: 40% Lolium perrene, 30% Poa pratensis, 30% Festuca rubra rubra

13,00  - 220,00 

Endurance lawn mix (WEMBLEY)

EAN: 2000000298672 SKU: GFA-3FEE92DAA76C Category: Tags

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