
The centaury (Centaurium sp.) belongs to the Compositae family and is a bushy, evergreen plant. Centaury is a winter-hardy, herbaceous, perennial and annual plant, which are endemic to many European countries. It grows to a maximum height of 1 m. Its leaves are small, opposite, lobed and silver-green with almost white stems. Its flowers are large purple or yellow with a pleasant aroma. Its flowering period lasts from July to September.


Suitable for sunny, seaside places.


It needs moderate watering. In summer it needs more frequent watering.


It grows successfully in a wide variety of soil types as long as they have good drainage.


It is resistant to high temperatures and low temperatures down to -5°C.


The dry parts need to be removed after the flowering period to maintain the shape of the plant.


Flowerpot 15 cm- 1,5 L


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