
Common Name: Camellia
Origin: Japan and China
The camellia is a wonderful bushy plant, which belongs to the acidophilic plants. It grows slowly, however, it can reach up to 20 meters in height.
The leaves of the plant are leathery, oval and have a shiny, dark green color and can be kept for the whole year.
It has large and impressive rose-shaped flowers and its colors vary from white to bright red. The flowers have the property of being preserved for a long time on the plant.


Camellia is an acidophilic plant and therefore needs special soil, which has a low pH. The soil should be loose and moist, enriched with organic matter and high levels of nitrogen.


Prefers semi-shady positions. The plant grows in hot and humid climates. It needs high temperatures and long days to form the flowers. However, for these buds to bloom, low temperatures and short days are necessary.


It is sensitive to low temperatures, below 12 ºC. The ideal temperature for its growth is 20-24ºC. It does not tolerate drought.


Special care is needed when watering your plants. Overwatering or allowing the roots to dry out can cause bud drop on your camellias.

However, for camellias that are planted in pots or containers, it is preferable to let the soil dry out between waterings.


Fertilization should be done during the months of May and June since it helps the production of flowers. If camellias are grown outdoors, then they should be fertilized every six weeks, that is, during the growing season.

Fertilization is not necessary during flowering.


Pruning should be done immediately after the end of flowering and before the appearance of new flowers. When pruning, we remove the dry branches that protrude and give the plant the shape we prefer. We thin out the vegetation for better air circulation.

Enemies and Diseases

The camellia is affected by coccoids which cause the leaves to turn yellow and fall. There is also the four-fingered leafhopper, which turns leaves brown in hot, dry weather and can cause the plant's midribs to warp.

In addition, the plant is often infected by fungi. Fungi destroy camellia plants or, at best, create brown spots on the petals when in bloom.

It is suitable for

  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • We find it in yards, terraces,
  • In pots on balconies and house entrances.


Product description

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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