A beautician

The bellflower is an evergreen ornamental shrub that comes from faraway Australia and blooms from May to September. A popular plant for gardeners, the bellflower is chosen for single plantings in the garden as well as in large pots. The plant has an upright growth and reaches a height of 3-5 meters. Its leaves are elongated, lanceolate 3-6 cm. and light green in color. Regarding the flowers of the plant, what we observe and looks like a 'brush' is the inflorescence (ear) and flowers are arranged in a circle. What gives the bright red color of the inflorescence are the long red stamens of the flowers. The inflorescence can reach 15 cm. and the duration of its stay on the plant is 5-6 months, as it starts from early spring to late autumn.

The plant has no special tricks for its preservation and does not need special care. It thrives in climates with hot and dry summers and mild winters. It can withstand short periods of cold temperatures, but in worse cases it will need protection, such as covering or moving to a more sheltered location. It is generally good to plant it in sunny sheltered positions. It thrives in acid with organic matter soils with good drainage and does not grow in calcareous-alkaline soils. It needs regular watering to grow well and provide its abundant flowering. Regarding the fertilizing of the callisman, it does not so much need nitrogen but a fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium to achieve satisfactory flowering.

Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L

8,00  - 16,00 

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