
Common Name: Gazani
Origin: South Africa

Gazani the plant with the special, large and impressive flowers as well as in a wide variety of colors. It is a perennial plant, herbaceous, evergreen, with low and dense vegetation at around 15-20 cm.


Its leaves are lanceolate, fluffy, oblong, dark green on the upper surface and silvery on the lower surface.


Its flowers are large with various colors, the most common of which are yellow, orange, fuchsia, white and bicolor. It has rich, impressive and prolonged flowering.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage. It prefers sandy soils, rich in nutrients.


Prefers sunny positions protected from strong or hot wind.


Water the plant regularly when you see the surface of its soil dry and be careful to always empty the saucer of water so that its roots do not rot.


It generally has no special requirements for water and fertilization, if it is planted in the ground. If it is planted in a pot, the lawn in the spring and summer months needs watering every 2-3 days, as soon as the soil dries, while the addition of liquid flowering fertilizer is required, once a month.


It thrives in places with mild winters and can withstand cold and low temperatures up to - 2ο C. Caution is required with strong winds. Suitable for planting in areas with heavy air pollution. It withstands coastal areas.


During flowering cut off the wilted flowers so that new flowers appear. When it finishes flowering, prune the plant just above the point where the central stem branches.

Diseases and enemies

It is very often attacked by aphids (beeflies), which develop large populations.

The leaves of the chrysanthemum are often infested with mildew, where a white surface forms on the leaves and then withers and falls off.

It is suitable for

      • For planting in coastal areas.
      • In individual places in the garden.
      • For planting in a pot.
      • Forms beautiful clusters.


Flowerpot 10.5 cm

1,30  - 3,60 

Product description

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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