Aloe (Aloe Vera)

Common Name: Aloe
Origin: South Africa

Aloe vera is a succulent tropical plant, it thrives in semi-shaded places and does not require much water. The humidity of the bathroom is sufficient to cover the needs of the plant.


The leaves are long, broad, lance-shaped, thick and juicy and have spines on both sides. The aloe leaf consists of four layers: the bark, the subcortical layer, the glue layer and the parenchyma or pulp, which is the layer that contains the precious jelly.


Its flowers range in color from light green to red that goes through yellow and orange.


It grows satisfactorily in all types of soil, without particular problems. A necessary condition is that the soil has good drainage. It prefers sandy soils, rich in nutrients.


Prefers sunny places, as a succulent. In areas with warm climates it can be grown in partial shade. In semi-shady places its leaves have a more vivid green color.


It has moderate water requirements, with the exception of the summer months when you can increase its watering.


Apply the fertilizer in spring and summer (once a month). You can use either a complete, granular fertilizer by spreading it on the soil between the plants and then watering well, or by dissolving a water-soluble fertilizer in the watering can.


It thrives in places with mild winters and can withstand cold and low temperatures up to - 2ο C. It is drought tolerant and ideal for dry areas and non-irrigated gardens. It is suitable for planting in areas with intense atmospheric pollution. Withstands coastal areas.


It is necessary to remove the dried and diseased shoots in early spring. We apply light shaping pruning to maintain its shape.

Enemies and Diseases

Its most frequent enemy is the mistake we make with its watering. Excessive moisture causes rots and fungal diseases, resulting in wilting and eventually rotting of the plant.

It is suitable for

  • for mixed dry edging and flower beds,
  • is ideal for gardens near the sea,
  • in pots and planters on bright balconies, courtyards and terraces.

Flowerpot 17 cm- 2 L  


Product description

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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