Louisa, a "magical" herb


General characteristics of the plant

Η Verbena or lemongrass or citriosmos, otherwise lippy. It is a herbaceous, perennial and deciduous shrub that in favorable climatic conditions reaches 2 meters in height. Its stem is dark gray in color, the leaves are light green and the flowers vary between white, pink or purple.

It grows best in neutral or slightly acidic soils that are rich in organic matter. Loves the sun, can withstand frost quite well. The verbena blooms in summer and its flowers have a strong fruity scent reminiscent of lemon, which justifies the name lemongrass.

The leaves of the plant are used, which are collected at the end of summer. It is grown in gardens or in pots on the balcony and endures even if it is not watered often. It is propagated by cuttings in early March and needs pruning when its leaves fall, in autumn.

Uses of Louise

It is a medicinal flower that takes care of our good health in many ways, as a decoction or oil, since both its flowers and leaves are very beneficial for the human body. But let's look in detail at its beneficial properties.

1. It has significant benefits in the detoxification of the organism, in the increase of the metabolism and in general in the health and overall well-being of the organism.

2. It is a diuretic and is recommended in cases of nephrolithiasis.

3. Helps to lose weight, eliminate cellulite and eliminate excess fluids.

4. Soothes the digestive system and stomach (intestinal disorders, indigestion, stomach and intestinal colic)

5. It has digestive, sedative and tonic properties of the nervous system.

6. Calms and stimulates the nervous system (gives restful sleep)

7. Relieves migraines.

8. Beneficial with poultices in nerve pains and nerve headaches, as well as in ear pains.

9. It has antipyretic action.

10. Fights bad breath.

11. Its oil helps wounds to heal.

12. The essential oil of the plant is also used in perfumery, confectionery, distillery.

13. Use the herbal infusion to wash and cleanse your face.


How is it used?

To use louiza and benefit from its healing properties, you can make a drink or poultice for external use.

Infusion: After boiling the water add the recommended dose of the herb. Leave covered for 5, strain and drink.

Beverage: It is prepared from the leaves of louiza which you boil together with water for 5 minutes, then you strain it and drink it.

Poultice: We can use either fresh or dried lemongrass leaves, with the preparation process differing in each case.

For poultice from fresh herb: A ratio of 1 to 2 is required, ie for half a cup of herb we need 1 cup of water. Boil it on low heat for 2 minutes. We do not drain it.

For poultice from dried herb: We have to grind the lemongrass in a mortar from the beginning. Add hot water until the mixture takes the form of a paste. Apply directly to the affected area with the help of a gauze or clean soft towel.

Essences: You can get it from pharmacies and organic stores.

In cooking and distillery : The fresh leaves give it a lemon flavor and aroma.

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