Geranium, a beautiful poa for your garden

Pelargonium (Pelargonium grandiflorum) is a beautiful poa that stands out for its impressive flowers and slightly fragrant foliage. It is from the Geraniaceae family and is native to the temperate regions of Africa. Most of us think that the geranium is a type of geranium, this is not true! Geranium belongs to the same family as geranium, but it is a different type of plant that has different characteristics.

Its height usually varies between 30 and 60 cm, depending on the growing conditions. Its foliage has the form of a small bush, which remains green throughout the year. The main feature of the plant is its large, impressive flowers, usually in shades of pink and purple, as well as orange, red and white with a characteristic dark shade in the center. Its flowering begins in May and continues until August.


It prefers sunny positions, although it can also grow in semi-shaded areas. It is sensitive to the cold so it must be planted in places protected from frost.


Geranium needs watering twice a week, but excessive soil moisture should be avoided. Water again only when the soil has dried well.


It grows best in well-drained soils and prefers slightly weak to moderate pH. When planting, make sure the pot has holes in the base to drain the water and use mold general purpose, enriched with nutrients.


To enhance the vegetation and flowering of the plant, we add liquid fertilizer general use once a month from spring to autumn.


It is resistant to drought and does not withstand temperatures below 5°C.

Enemies and diseases

It is quite resistant to disease and insect attacks and does not need any kind of spraying.

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