Vegetables, what they offer us

Vegetables contain many compounds that have many benefits for our health, they have many vitamins and minerals that are important.

Below is a list of various vegetables and information that are important to the human body.


Cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. It also contains cellulose, the organic polysaccharide that can be partially digested by the body but is mainly used for dietary reasons that fight constipation. It even works against bronchitis.


Lettuce, apart from being rich in iron and vitamins B, C and provitamin A, have dietary properties in our diet.


Eggplant has great nutritional and taste value and is one of the basic vegetables for Greek cooking. It should not be consumed when the fruits are unripe or very ripe because it contains a greenish substance called solanine. Simmered for a long time, it helps people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. It has an antioxidant effect and acts with a cardioprotective role. Furthermore, it is a food that promotes the good functioning of the brain by preventing the peroxidation of fats from the free radicals of the brain cells and protecting their integrity and functional structure. It is a rich source of B complex vitamins and especially hyacinth, thiamin, folate and pyridoxine, vitamins whose deficiency is associated with disorders of the central nervous system.


Broccoli is considered a super food. A compound found in broccoli appears to be more effective than new antibiotics against the bacteria that cause peptic ulcers. Recent research has shown that broccoli offers a very high level of protection against stomach cancer. It provides the body with a sufficient amount of calcium.


The fruit of the pepper is rich in vitamin C. Its components are used in medicine and pharmacology to prepare many medicines that treat and improve our health. Preparations with pepper ingredients are used to treat pain, skin diseases, muscle spasms, arthritic pain, neuralgia, neuropathies and prevent the progression of lung cancer.


Spinach protects health from osteoporosis, colon cancer, heart disease, arthritis and other diseases. Researchers have identified flavonoid compounds in spinach that act as antioxidants and anti-cancer agents. Also researchers are creating spinach extracts because they have been shown to slow cell division in stomach cancer cells, reduce skin cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Spinach also provides vitamin K, which is important for maintaining bone health. Finally, it contains vitamins A and C, calcium and magnesium.


Tomato skin is a very good source of lycopene, a substance that has been shown to protect against heart problems. It is most effective when it comes from a cooked or processed tomato. Also, lycopene has very good effects against prostate cancer. Tomato fruit pureed or cut into thin slices provides very beneficial effects on the skin against sunburn and generally burns from hot liquid or scalding.

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