Fruits and vegetables, what they offer us

Fruits and vegetables contain many compounds that have many benefits for our health, they have many vitamins and minerals that are important.

Below is a list of various fruits and vegetables and information that is important to the human body.


Cucumber has little nutritional value but is rich in vitamin C, A, molybdenum, potassium, magnesium and lycopene. These ingredients help with skin conditions, reduce puffiness under the eyes and relieve the skin from sun damage. Cucumber juice also contains the ingredient "Silicon Dioxide", which helps create new tissue.


Corn is a source of B vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, phosphorus, dietary fiber, vitamin C and manganese. It contains carbohydrates, proteins and health beneficial polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids.


Carrot is a vegetable with healing properties. It provides protection against eye diseases due to the lack of vitamin A. It contains many vitamins but mainly provitamin A. In infants, the boiled root in the form of puree immediately stops diarrhea before weaning. In juice form it is an excellent expectorant and fights intestinal parasites.


Watermelon is dietary and diuretic, easily absorbed by the intestine and helps those people who have indigestion. It is very rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B6, potassium, magnesium and lycopene. It is an antioxidant, fights asthma, diabetes, bowel cancer and arthritis. It also acts preventively against prostate cancer, improves eyesight in old age and lowers blood pressure.


Melon is rich in vitamins A and C and potassium which prevents the formation of kidney stones. It is a very good source of folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, which effectively helps in reproduction and DNA synthesis, even in the creation of new red blood cells. It also acts as a natural diuretic like watermelon.


Zucchini does not have much nutritional value like pumpkin, but it is easier to digest and can be consumed by people who have a problem with the digestive system. Contains vitamin A and mineral salts. Pumpkin seeds are rich in Ω3 fatty acids, antioxidant selenium, manganese, magnesium and iron.


Cauliflower is low in calories and high in dietary fiber, folic acid and vitamin C. It contains phytochemicals very beneficial to human health including sulforaphane. Young heads are rich in this substance when eaten raw. Another ingredient that cauliflower contains and acts as an estrogen replacement, prevents the formation of breast and prostate tumors.


The onion has healing properties, it is diuretic and activates the production of bile. Its juice acts as an antibacterial. In homeopathy it is used to produce preparations that treat cough, cold, pneumonia, laryngitis and high fever. It lowers cholesterol, protects against arteriosclerosis and stomach cancer because it contains powerful antioxidants. Finally, it provides energy to the body.

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