Kerria, a bright and cheerful plant

Kerria (Kerria japonica) is a distinctive plant that offers bright flowers and cheerful aesthetics to any garden. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is widespread in many parts of the world. It is a small-leaved shrub with bright, yellow or golden flowers that appear during spring. With a height that reaches from 1,5 to 3 meters and its width, starting from 1,8 meters, it can reach up to 3 meters in extent.


It prefers a semi-shaded or shady position in the garden. It can grow under trees that offer protection from direct sun.


It is not particularly demanding in terms of watering. During its growth, in spring and summer, it is good to water it regularly, especially if the weather is dry.


Prefers soils with good drainage and moderate nutritional value. It does not tolerate excessively wet soils, so it is important to avoid excessive water.


It is a hardy plant that can withstand a variety of weather conditions. It withstands all temperatures and can flourish even in fairly cool environments.

Maintenance and care

It is a plant that is shaped by pruning, in the spring we can if we want to prune it low, to maintain its shape and size.

Suitable for

  • Flower beds
  • Borders
  • Veranda
  • Fences
• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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