Tips for designing an outdoor space

The design and configuration of the exterior of our home are important keys to creating a beautiful garden. Because we spend enough time and create beautiful moments with our family and friends.

The configuration of the garden of our house helps us to relax and enjoy the greenery.

The main factors for a successful design are:

  1. Contrast
  2. Succession/Repetition
  3. Axis
  4. Condominium
  5. Framing
  6. Balance

1. Contrast

There must be sharp contrasts to be immediately noticeable. The colors and forms of the plants enhance the contrasts for a more beautiful and rich landscape.

2. Succession/Repetition

  • Succession of landscapes: there can be succession of forms, either linear succession (line of trees), or color succession (introduction of color in a continuous trace)
  • Repetition: it gives expression to variety because it controls monotony, submits a sense of order and also repetition is achieved by placing individual plant species in groups.

3. Axis

The axis is a main line of direction, growth or expansion movement, so it is the most important. He is powerful, blackmailing, demanding and in control of things in his own class. An axis in the landscape becomes dominant but it is often possible to be monotonous, but this does not mean that it should be avoided.

4. Emphasis

Using the element of emphasis focuses attention on one element. Secondary accent points can also be used to give a special character to the landscape.

5. Condominium

It is created when two particular forms or objects are close to each other and projected, thus dominating the landscape. Care must be taken when using more objects because visually it is often unsatisfactory.

6. Framing

Like the frame of a painting and the landscape, characteristic forms emerge when they are framed and limited by lines of trees or steep cliffs.

7. Balance

Balance in the composition is achieved by a correct distribution of plants on both sides of the axes of the garden. Depending on the type of balance we have a symmetrical or asymmetrical landscape.


Below are some tips for element variety and climate control of our garden.

Variety of items

The selection and placement of plants and building materials is done according to the plot dimensions, soil type and orientation. The combination of plants offers a wide variety of colors in the garden while the building materials can limit the growth of plants and create a harmonious environment.

Climate control

In most gardens we have seen that the trees and hedge plants are many and tall. This is because these plants and trees control the climate.

  1. Temperature and solar radiation control: their leaves retain, reflect and absorb solar radiation. This is done by foliage density, leaf shape and branching system.
  2. Wind Control: trees reduce wind speed, this depends on tree height, windbreak density and width and appropriate species selection (conifers are suitable in winter and deciduous trees are suitable in summer).
  3. Rainfall and humidity control: there is runoff of water and an increase in its infiltration into the soil.
  4. Noise control: plants and trees also have this ability, the closer they are to the sound source, the greater the noise reduction. This depends on the volume, frequency and direction of the sound, the type of plant or tree and climatic factors. Some species that reduce noise the most: Acer Pseudoplatanus, Liquidambar Styraciflua, Platanus Orientalis, Tilia Platyphyllos, Beech (Fagus Sylvatica), Bear Hemlock (Ilex Aquifolium), Anemone (Carpinus Betulus) and Azalea (Rhododendron sp).
• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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