Medlar, a special fruit tree!

Medlar Fruit, Medlar, Widl Fruit

Η Medlar (Eriobotrya japonica) is an evergreen fruit tree. It comes from China and Japan. It is cultivated as an ornamental for its rich foliage and as a fruitful one for its delicious yellow fruit. The maximum height of the tree can reach 8 meters.

Plant description

Its leaves are large, lanceolate and leathery. It is dark and shiny on the upper surface and fluffy on the lower. Its flowers are white-yellow with a bitter almond aroma. Flowering begins from September to December and bears fruit from April to May. The fruiting of the tree starts from the 6th - 7th year of its life, while it is in full fruiting after the 12th year. 

Eriobotrya Japonica, Fruit, Loquat

Plant care

Terrain: It grows in deep and fertile soils with good drainage. It is sensitive to calcareous and coastal soils with high salinity.

Position: It prefers sunny as semi-shady planting locations, protected from strong winds. It has resistance up to -10 ° C.

Watering: It needs moderate watering, especially in the summer months and the first time until it settles in place.

Lubrication: Fertilization with complex slow-release fertilizers is recommended, before and immediately after the end of fruiting.


Configuration pruning: It is done at sparse intervals to remove very dense branches.

Fruit pruning: It needs light pruning in autumn as soon as it sheds its leaves to remove dry, damaged or dense branches and to thin the crown.

Enemies and Diseases

The most important disease is fusicladium, which attacks fruits, flowers and leaves. It is caused by a fungus and the typical symptom is brown spots on the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. Because it looks like black powder, it is called a "smudge" by many. Rain, dew, fog and moderate temperatures favor infection and epidemic development. 

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