Pepper and its cultivation!

H Pepper is an angiosperm, dicotyledonous, herbaceous and shrubby plant of the genus Capsicum. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. There are about 50 species around the world, sometimes with sweet and sometimes with spicy fruits.

Description of the plant

The plant is 50–75 cm tall. Its shoots are tender at first and then become woody. Its leaves are small, light green. The flowers are white that grow individually in groups of 2 or 3. The fruit of the pepper is multicolored green, red, orange and yellow. Its shape, depending on the variety, is conical and long to spherical.

Sweet fruits are larger than hot, grooved and swollen.

History, Bell, Peppers


Boundy (Lenor) Varieties: Long sweet pepper hybrid. Suitable for spring cultivation. Outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Very productive. Typical fruit dimensions: 21 x 5 cm. Typical fruit weight: 75 - 85 g.

Biondo variety: Dolma pepper hybrid (stuffed), with light green skin color. The hybrid is popular for its fruit quality (thinner flesh), bright color and high yield.

Kaptur Variety: Hybrid of the house of Seminis (Royal Sluis) type Kapia. The plant produced is climbing and very strong. The fruit is dark green and in full ripening dark red. Its shape is cylindrical and most often double. The length of the fruits is 17-19 cm, width 6-8 cm and their weight 180-190 grams.

Red Knight Variety: Bottled pepper, for filling, red.

Unigold variety: Bottled pepper, for filling, red.

Astrapi variety: Hot green long pepper. 

Pepper, To Kokkino, Vegetables, Food

Development conditions

It is planted from April onwards, when the temperature has risen significantly. Planting distances are 50 cm plant by plant within the line and 80-100 cm line by line. It grows in fluffy fertile soils that have good drainage to remove excess water. It needs fertilization with manure and various mixed fertilizers because it is generally a demanding plant. It is cultivated in the countryside and in greenhouses.

Peppers need to have good relative humidity throughout their growing season, like most summer vegetables. Requires regular watering to give quality fruits. If they do not have moisture, they make deformed fruits. As is generally the case for watering vegetables, a suitable irrigation system is the drip hose system, which offers us more efficient and economical watering, as well as reduces the growth of weeds. During the flowering period we must be careful of the lack of water as it can cause flowers to fall. Also during the fruiting period, intensive watering is needed to prevent the formation of bitter-tasting fruits.

The pepper is harvested, depending on the variety and the weather conditions, about 3 months after transplanting in our garden. We collect the fruits when they reach their final length depending on the variety.

Enemies and Diseases

Good regular control of your plants for enemies and diseases, their timely detection saves us from unpleasant situations. Pepper suffers from the nightshade which is the main enemy, from lice and caterpillars. The nightshade appears as soon as the temperatures start to rise in summer and infects the leaves and fruits.

Powdery mildew and downy mildew also cause damage. In any case, we should fight these enemies with biological or conventional preparations and always asking an agronomist.

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