Pet-friendly indoor plants!

The most common question a pet owner before buying an indoor plant is: Is the plant toxic to the little four-legged friend of the house ??

Pet and plant coexistence should be harmonious and enjoyable, so we have prepared a list of non-toxic plants. Let's get to know some of the plants:

Chameleon - Chamaedorea elegans

The chameleon (Chamaedorea elegans) belongs to the family arecaceae and is considered a small palm. It originates from Mexico and the regions of Central America. It consists of bright green leaves which emerge on thin stems. Chameleon belongs to the plants that clean the atmosphere. Absorbs toxic substances such as formaldehyde and benzene and enriches the air with oxygen.

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Chlorophyte - Chlorophytum comosum

The chlorophyll is an evergreen tropical houseplant native to South Africa. It is very common because it does not need any special care and you can easily see it growing outdoors as long as mild conditions prevail. It has oblong bicolor leaves, green and beige, 20-40 cm long and is ideal for hanging pots and baskets. But its main advantage is that it cleans the atmosphere of substances harmful to health, leaving our space free of daily pollutants.

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Orchids are one of the most charming flowers as people especially love their special flowers. Orchids are epiphytic, that is, they use other plants for support so that they can grow while their roots are in the air.

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Areka - Dypsis lutescens

Areka (Dypsis lutescens) is an elegant and durable palm tree that can reach a height of 2 meters. Areka belongs to the plants that clean the atmosphere. Absorbs toxic substances such as formaldehyde and enriches the air with oxygen.

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Boston or Nephrolip fern exaltata

The fern is a deciduous plant that belongs to the Pteridophytes and the family of Polypodids. It originates from tropical and subtropical regions. Forms pointed, green leaves that are divided into parts, the petals. Initially they stand upright and as they grow they tilt slightly and exceed one meter in length.

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Christmas cactus- Schlumbergera bridgesii

Patience or Christmas cactus is a slow growing succulent. Its shoots are green and flat, which look like small inflatable leaves, glued together. It has a wide variety of flower colors such as red, white, pink, purple, orange. The flowers appear from the beginning of autumn until winter.

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Guzmania - Guzmania lingulata

Guzmania or guzmania is one of the ornamental indoor plants that everyone can acquire, as, its requirements in care are not many. It is an indoor plant and like all bromeliads after flowering it dies. What we see as a flower on the plant are star-shaped bracts in bright orange or red or fuchsia.

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Basket or maranda - Calathea

The basket (Calathea sp.) is a perennial rhizomatous plant. It is a plant with long slender branches that end in large oval leaves with a peculiar design. The leaves are bicolor or tricolor depending on the variety with brown stems. Its main advantage is that it cleans the atmosphere of substances harmful to health, leaving our space free of daily pollutants.

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Candle - Hoya kerrii

Η Hoya kerrii or Valentine hoya is one of the most popular plants of recent years thanks to the very characteristic heart shape of its leaf. It has fleshy leaves, in the shape of a heart. Its small, asteroid-shaped flowers are white and have pink shades in the center. They produce small drops of sticky nectar.

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Thick - Pachira Aquatica

The Fat (Pachira Aquatica), also known as the "Money Tree" or Guyana Chestnut, is an evergreen, hardy indoor tree. The leaves are palmate with a deep green color and consist of five lanceolate leaflets each. As it grows, its young and flexible trunks are knitted like a braid before they become woody.

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