Maple 'Crimson King' a splash of red in the garden

Autumn Tree, Maple, Pigment

The Maple tree belongs to the family aceraceae. The genus includes 200 species of deciduous trees or shrubs that are widespread in the northern temperate zone. They are cultivated for their beautiful foliage. Especially in Canada the maple is a national symbol and is cultivated for its syrup (maple syrup).

Description of Acer platanoides Crimson King

The maple plantain (Acer platanoides "Crimson King") is a deciduous tree with a rapid growth rate of 15 m in height and the diameter of the crown reaches 6-8 m. It has leaves similar to the plane tree 8-12 cm long and 9-13 cm wide. Divided into 5-7 pointed lobes. Its leaves have purple hues that are darker in spring and orange waters in autumn. Its flowers appear in April and due to their small size are unnoticed. The fruit is a fin nut.

Leaves, Fall, Autumn Color, Branch

Take care of him Acer platanoides Crimson King

Development conditions

It prefers sunny places but can also withstand partial shade. It is also very resistant to high summer temperatures, as long as it has sufficient humidity. It adapts to different types of soils as long as they have good drainage.


It needs moderate watering about 2 times a week. But it needs larger amounts of water every 2-3 days mainly until it is installed in a garden or in periods of intense drought.


Fertilize with a complete granular preparation once in early spring and once in late autumn to maintain vigor and improve its growth.


It withstands the high temperatures of summer and the low temperatures of winter. It is a plant resistant to wind and air pollution.


Early spring, after the last cold it needs pruning shaping. In autumn, dry and injured shoots need topping for maximum and dense foliage.

Its uses Acer platanoides Crimson King

  • Used in parks, squares and tree lines.
  • Individual plantings in different parts of the garden to create shaded areas.
  • Creating contrasts and different levels in flower arrangements with flowering or coniferous plants.
  • Suitable for planting in pots.
• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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