The types of lentils!

Lentils are a highly nutritious food rich in minerals, proteins and fiber. It is a good source of iron as a cup serving contains more than half of the daily allowable iron. The combination of lentils with vitamin C helps the body absorb iron.

The best known types of lentils that we find in the market are the following:

Agriculture, Background, Bean, Coffee, Kitchen

Fine lentils

They constitute the largest part of the market, both of the Greek culture and of the imports. Their seeds have a diameter of up to 6 mm and are found in light green or brown colors. Usually used for soup.

Lentils, Green Lentils, Cooking, Kitchen

Thick lentils

There are Greek varieties on the market, but also imported ones. Their seeds are up to 10 mm in diameter. and we also find them in light green or brown. They are usually used for salads, but some people prefer them for soup.

Lentils, The Red, Division

Red lentils

They are imported almost exclusively from Turkey or India. In Greece they are not cultivated at all. They are inserted peeled and broken in half for this and are often referred to as red fava beans. As peeled, they boil very quickly, boil easily, have a sweet taste and are more digestible. Pasta and lentil flour are made from red lentils.

Lentil, Black, Beluga, Legumes, Healthy

Black lentils

Black lentils are known as beluga or caviar lentils because of their small, round shape. They are imported from Canada and we only find them as organic. It is more expensive than the others because of the small production. Usually used for salads and risotto. Because they do not boil well, they are not suitable for soup.

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