An impressive leafy indoor tick!

Foliage, Leaves, Variegated, Shrub


Ο A tick (Codaieum variegatum) is a perennial houseplant. Its leaves are impressive because they have a wide variety of colors such as red, yellow, orange, pink and green. Plant with rich, thick, leathery foliage with bright red-yellow colors. It comes from Ceylon.

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: Location: It is considered an indoor plant. Avoid places with direct exposure to the sun and cold winds.

Δα Ground: Needs a medium consistency substrate with good drainage and rich in organic matter. It is good to transplant every 2 years.

➢ Watering: It does not require large amounts of water. Before each watering check the moisture of the soil and if it is dry then water. Avoid standing water on the pot plate.

➢ Lubrication: Need fertilizer suitable for leafy plants once a month throughout the year.

Tip 1: Spraying the leaves with water keeps the plant moist.

Tip 2: It is ideal to frequently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to clean them from dust. It also helps the plant to breathe better and show growth.


The tick is an indoor plant, it prefers bright places with indirect light and high relative humidity. Avoid shady places because the green color will remain in the foliage. The ideal growth temperature is 19 - 25 ° C while at lower temperatures it loses its robustness.

Enemies and diseases

Croton's main enemies are the red spider, the granules and the botrytis.


The tick is a plant dangerous for for dogs and cats. If the leaves are swallowed it will cause burning irritation in the mouth, while swallowing a larger amount will lead to nausea and stomach upset.

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