

The Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo - Pumpkin squash) are annual or perennial plants, they have spirals and their shoots are green, cylindrical, hairy. Their leaves are large, broad, palmate and their stems are long. Zucchini flowers are large yellow.

Zucchini, Zucchini, Squash, Baby Marrow

Leen variety (Lacta):

Mid-early light green hybrid, which produces slightly bottled fruits that make it suitable for filling. The plant is upright, open and its shape facilitates the harvest of fruits. The flower is kept for a satisfactory period of time on the fruit. 

Recommended for spring and autumn cultivation, both in the greenhouse and outdoors.

Development conditions

It is a plant of the summer season and does not grow in the cold. The best temperature is 22 ° C. It is planted from April onwards, when the temperature has risen significantly. Planting distances are 70-100 cm plant by plant within the line and 100-140 cm line by line. It grows in fluffy fertile soils that have good drainage to remove excess water. It needs fertilization with manure and various mixed fertilizers because it is generally a demanding plant. It is cultivated in the countryside and in greenhouses.

Zucchini need to have good relative humidity throughout their growing season, like most summer vegetables. Requires regular watering to give quality fruits. If they do not have moisture, they make deformed fruits. As is generally the case for watering vegetables, a suitable irrigation system is the drip hose system, which offers us more efficient and economical watering, as well as reduces the growth of weeds. During the flowering period we must be careful of the lack of water as it can cause flowers to fall. Also during the fruiting period, intensive watering is needed to prevent the formation of bitter-tasting fruits.

Zucchini is harvested, depending on the weather conditions, about 2,5 months after transplanting in our garden. We collect the fruits when they reach 10-15 cm in length and it must be cut with a part of the pod to preserve the zucchini for a longer period of time.

Enemies and Diseases

Good regular control of your plants for enemies and diseases, their timely detection saves us from unpleasant situations. Zucchini suffers from the nightshade which is the main enemy, from lice and caterpillars. The nightshade appears as soon as the temperatures start to rise in summer and infects the leaves and fruits. Mildew and downy mildew also cause damage. In any case, we should fight these enemies with biological or conventional preparations and always asking an agronomist.


They contain:

  • Vitamin C, A, are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. 
  • Potassium, helps maintain low blood pressure.
  • Vitamin B12, helps the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Carbohydrates help in good brain function, maintenance of the nervous system and muscle movement.
  • Proteins help build muscle
  • Fiber, which helps maintain low cholesterol.
• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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