Ivy a fast climbing plant!

Ivy, Leaves, Wet, Plant, Template

Ο Kissos (Hedera helix) is an extremely robust plant, fast growing, with heart-shaped leaves, glossy and dark green. Its flowers are small yellow-green and grow in spherical inflorescences. Its flowering period is from September to October. The fruit is a black rail. It has suction cups that allow it to penetrate various types of surfaces. There are varieties with small leaves (ivy microleaf) or bicolor green-white.

Ivy has been known in Greece since the time of Homer and was called "Dionysion", because it was dedicated to the god Dionysus. The ancient Greeks put an ivy wreath on the statues of Dionysus, the poets and the drunkards, because they considered it a symbol of immortality and an antidote to the headache from intoxication!

Inflorescences, Ivy, Common Ivy


  • Location: Suitable for shady or sunny places, by the sea.
  • Watering: Needs moderate watering. In summer it needs more frequent watering.
  • Terrain: It grows successfully in a wide variety of soil types as long as they have good drainage.
  • Durability: It is resistant to frost and low temperatures down to -20 ° C. Ideal plant for places with heavy air pollution and drought.
  • Pruning: No pruning needed. We only cut the shoots that bother or knit in unwanted places.
Ivy, Hedera Helix, Leaves, Hedera


Due to the variety of colors in its leaves it can be placed in any corner, both indoors and outdoors. Because of its suction cups it can cover floors, walls, tree trunks. It can also be used as a pendant.

Can be combined with deciduous climbers on pergolas and fences. It is used as a ground cover plant on steep slopes and loose soils.

Enemies and diseases

Ivy is infested with aphids which infect the leaves with their honeydew secretions. The aphid infestation is usually accompanied by ants which climb on its shoots to get the honeysuckle secretions of the aphids. It is a plant resistant to fungal diseases and has no serious enemies. The diseases it presents are bacteriosis, anthracnose and mildew. To deal with them you can go to an agricultural store and get the appropriate plant protection product.

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