Cherry with crispy cherry!

Cherry, Sweet Cherry, Red, Fruit

Kerasia by scientific name Prunus and belongs to the family Rosaceae. The name cherry comes from the word "antenna", due to the orthoclastic configuration and growth of the tree.

The cherry is a deciduous tree that reaches a height of 20 meters and is cultivated for its delicious fruit, the cherry. There are varieties that are grown as ornamental trees due to their striking flowers and the red color of their leaves. The cherry tree lives for about 60 years and the fruiting starts from the fourth year of its life, while it has great yields even after the twentieth year.

Its flowers are large and white in inflorescences and grow 3-6 in each bud. Its leaves are large and have an oval shape, a pointed edge and a jagged border. Its fruit is a small drupe with long stalks, dark red with a crunchy texture, our well-known cherry.

white cherry blossom in bloom during daytime


  • Location: Suitable for shady or sunny places, by the sea.
  • Watering: Needs moderate watering. In summer it needs more frequent watering.
  • Terrain: It grows successfully in a wide variety of soil types as long as they have good drainage.
  • Durability: It is resistant to frost and low temperatures down to -20 ° C. Ideal plant for places with heavy air pollution and drought.
  • Pruning:  Configuration pruning: It is done at sparse intervals to remove very dense branches. Fruit pruning: It needs light pruning in autumn as soon as it sheds its leaves to remove dry, damaged or dense branches and to thin the crown.

Enemies and Diseases

The main insects that infect the cherry are the fruit capsule, which creates galleries on the fruit, the nightshade, which sucks the juices from the leaves and the saboteur.

Fungal infections often infect cherries and cause fruit rot and tree drying. Bacteria can also cause infections in trees Pseudomonas sp.

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