Catalpi: a special tree


Η Katalpi (catalpa bignonioides) is a deciduous, fast-growing tree. Its crown is spherical and reaches a height of 10-20m. The leaves are large in size, with a light green color and heart shape. Its flowering occurs in July in spikes consisting of white flowers with yellow and purple spots. The fruits appear in autumn in long capsules and are kept on the tree until winter. Suitable plant for cool soils without special requirements.

Flowering, Flowering, Flowering, White, Leaves


  • Location: Loves sunny places or with light shade and protected from the wind.
  • Watering: Needs moderate watering. During the summer months it needs larger amounts of water.
  • Terrain: It thrives in a variety of soil types as long as they have good drainage. Prefers light fertile soils.
  • Durability: It is resistant to frost and low temperatures down to -20 ° C.
  • Pruning: Dry, injured or diseased branches should be removed in autumn or early spring. It also needs thinning when the branches are dense and block each other.


It is suitable for flower beds, borders, small maintenance gardens and individual plantings.

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