Yucca, a hardy plant with a special ornamental value!

Linoleum Plant And Flower, Phoenix

Yucca (Glorious yucca) is an evergreen plant, a genus of perennial shrubs and trees of the family Asparagaceae. It has rosettes of straight, long and hard leaves in the shape of a spear. It is an extremely durable and not at all demanding plant with a special ornamental value. It originates from Mexico and its flower is the national flower of El Salvador known as "flor de izote".

Plant description

It is a slow growing plant whose final height can reach 3 meters. The leaves are oblong, lanceolate with dark green. They are very rigid and their length reaches 30-50 cm. It presents impressive flowering from white inflorescences 1-1, 50 m high, which appear at the end of summer. The flowers are bell-shaped and the fruit is an elongated berry about 8 cm long.

Palm Lily, Phoenix, Linoleum Plant And Flower

Plant care

: Location: It prefers sunny places, but also thrives in partial shade. Ideal is a place with south or east orientation and protection from strong winds. It grows favorably on all soil types, as long as they have good drainage. It is resistant to salinity.

➢ Watering: It has moderate water requirements and can withstand long periods without watering.

➢ Pruning: No need for pruning. It is only necessary to remove dead or old leaves from the base of the plant.

Diseases and enemies

Yucca is generally a disease resistant plant. It is affected by fungal diseases in conditions of high humidity.

Insect infestations are rare. It can be infected by blackleg and scabies (scabies), which are treated with plant protection products. 

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