Veronica, a hardy evergreen shrub!

Ivi, Purple, Honey, Garden, Plant

Η Speedwell (Hebe Veronica / speciosa), also known as ivy, is an evergreen shrub with a moderate growth rate. The maximum height of the plant can reach 1,5 meters and the width 1 meter, although there are also dwarf varieties. Ideal plant for low borders, rock gardens and color spots.

Plant description

The leaves are oval, glossy, elliptical in shape, green or silvery green, depending on the variety. It blooms from spring until late autumn. Its flowers appear in a tufted inflorescence in white, pink and purple.

Pinguifolia, Plant, Flora, Gardening

Plant care

: Location: It prefers moist soils, but with good drainage. It can grow in semi-shady places, but its flowering is richer in sunny places. It thrives in coastal areas and is particularly resistant to air pollution

➢ Watering: It has high demands on watering during the summer, which are slightly reduced in the winter.

➢ Pruning: It is good to remove the old or dry shoots of the plant at any time of the year. In the spring we apply pruning to shape the shape. Every 3-4 years we apply active pruning to renew the plant in order to develop new strong shoots.

Ivi, Kipos, Akmazon, Thamnos, Paschalia
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