Areka, an elegant and durable palm tree!


Η Areka (Dypsis lutescens) is an elegant and durable palm tree that can reach a height of 2 meters. It is mainly used as an indoor plant with unique aesthetic results. It is native to the humid forest areas of Madagascar. In its native habitat it is threatened with extinction. Areka belongs to the plants that clean the atmosphere. Absorbs toxic substances such as formaldehyde and enriches the air with oxygen.

Plant description

It has large and complex leaves with 40-60 pairs of lanceolate leaves. Their length reaches 2 meters. Its long leaves are palmate and bright green. Over time they turn golden yellow. She looks a lot like Kentia. After a few years it blooms and forms stems with fruits.

Plant care

. Location

It wants a relatively warm place with a temperature above 15°C. Avoid very cold temperatures and cold drafts as they will damage its foliage. It prefers a humid atmosphere so it is good to spray its foliage with water.

➢ Watering

Always check the soil of the pot before watering to see if it is wet or dry. It is a plant that does not have high demands on water. One watering a week from spring to autumn is enough. During the winter months we dilute the watering.

➢ Lubrication

He needs liquid fertilizer for green plants to enhance its growth. Fertilize every season, except in the winter months, when the plant is usually dormant. This gives the plant the necessary nutrients to help it.

➢ Pruning

Cutting the leaves from the top of a stem will stop its growth. Prune the old yellow leaves that grow from the base of the plant. The brown edges can be removed with scissors.

. Transplantation

Every 2-3 years areca needs transplanting to new ones flower pot . We use peat soil and pumice to provide good drainage.


  • Peripheral wilting at the edges of the leaves show that the atmosphere is dry and we must spray the leaves of the plant with water.
  • It is often affected by insect parasites, such as aphids and mealybugs.
  • Rarely affected by blackleg.
• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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