How to add height to your garden!

There are several ways to add height to your outdoor space, regardless of its size! Here are some ideas to help you add this third dimension.

Flower, Dipladenia, Pergola

Focus on the sky
The trellis will help you to cover an ugly wall, but also to plant climbing plants. A wall or fence is a great bonus in a garden, as it offers you a vertical microclimate that you can use for invaluable extra growth space. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.

Flowers, Basket, Hanging, Floral

Hang a series of pots
Hanging baskets and pots are a great way to add immediate interest. It is not only the flowers that look good in hanging pots, there are many vegetables and herbs that thrive in pots and it is especially convenient if placed near the kitchen door.

person planting on hanging pots

Create a living wall
Vertical gardens have many uses: they add height, provide insulation, divert water away from walls in heavy rain, create habitat for insects, improve air quality, reduce noise pollution and offer aesthetic benefits. Instead of using a single climbing plant, a living wall is created by growing a mixture of herbaceous plants.

Tree, Nature, Landscape, Summer, Heaven

Grow fruits
Even if you have a small garden, there are many varieties of dwarf trees and shrubs that offer both height and fruit. In addition to apples, pears, plums and cherries, you can also get dwarf varieties of peach and nectarine. However, they will need more protection, especially from frost and cold winds.

Arbor, Shady Feet

Add fences and pergolaς
The pergolas will not only add an attractive vertical dimension that gives the eye an alternative view of the garden, they can also help to disguise unsightly areas. You can successfully grow fruits over a pergola. There are so many climbing plants that you can grow with such a construction. Roses and jasmine are favorites.

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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