Camellia is the Chinese source of green tea!

Green Tea, Tea, Koreatea, Korea

Green tea is made by drying the leaves collected from the plant Camellia or Chinese (Camellia sinensis). It is an evergreen plant that belongs to the family of Theaceae. The word "tea" and all its universal variants come from the word "te" which in the Chinese dialect means tea.

Tea, Organic, Ceramic, Green

His story

According to legend, tea was accidentally discovered by the Chinese emperor Shen Nung in 2737 BC. when some leaves from a bush fell into boiling water. As a result, the hot water gets color and aroma.

The Portuguese brought tea to Europe in 1610, on behalf of the Dutch. Thus began the introduction of tea but in the early years tea was very expensive. In 1675, when its price dropped, it became known throughout the rest of Europe. The British, who are his fanatical followers to this day, were among the last to know him.

Nature, Leaf, Flower, Flora, Garden


The Chinese camellia is an evergreen shrub. The leaves are up to 15 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. The young leaves harvested for tea production are light green in color. Its flowers are white with yellow stamens. It is grown in organically rich, well-drained soils with constant humidity. It is also cultivated as an ornamental plant for its excellent foliage and small but attractive flowers.

Diseases and enemies

The camellia is infested with granules which cause yellowing and falling of the leaves. It is also affected by blackleg which browns the leaves.

It is often infected by fungi that cause brown spots on the petals of flowers. It is advisable to remove the affected plant parts.

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