4 October, 2021

Tips for plants

Camellia is the Chinese source of green tea!

Green tea is made by drying the leaves collected from the plant Camelia sinensis. It is an evergreen plant that belongs to the family of Theaceae. The word "tea" and all its global variants come from the word "te" which in Chinese

Tips for plants

Perovskia, the blue aromatic shrub!

Perovskia (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is a deciduous perennial shrub. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It originates from southwest and central Asia. It is fragrant and its aroma is described as sage or a mixture of sage and lavender. Description It is a shrub

Tips for plants

Mige, the plant with the unbeatable aroma!

The mink (Convallaria majalis) also known as "Tear of the Virgin" or "Lily of the Valley" is a herbaceous perennial plant that propagates by rhizomes. It stands out for its special appearance and its unique aroma. Its flowers are considered a symbol

Tips for plants

Aerophyte care tips!

A common misconception about aerophytes is that they do not need any care. Unfortunately, this is not true. Initially, aerobic plants can survive in the humidity of the air, which is why they are so named. They are durable and need less care

Tips for plants

Tips for a permanent green balcony!

Observe the orientation of your balcony. Before you buy anything, take the time to find out how many hours of sunshine a day your balcony receives. Also pay attention to indirect light. Even a north-facing balcony can be one

Tips for plants

Gynerio, the popular herbaceous!

The genus (Cortaderia selloana) is an impressive herbaceous plant that produces large, winged flowers from late summer to winter. It comes from South America. The botanical name of the plant was given by Alexander von Humboldt in 1818, to

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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