Plants for decorating business spaces!

The decoration of your business space with plants creates a hospitable and "warm" environment! Both for you who spend many hours of the day on a daily basis and those around you offering aesthetics and elegance!

Plants have a positive effect on your mood as they add a pleasant note to the environment and help improve productivity and concentration.

Another reason to add plants to your workplace is the fact that they clean the atmosphere, as they absorb toxic substances and carbon dioxide. They filter the air you breathe and give a feeling of freshness in your space!

5 plants ideal for your office!

Laptop, Office, Computer


It is a perennial plant that can reach a height of 90 cm. It has large, dark green leaves, which rest on a slender stem and resemble swords. Its flowers also grow from the base of the stem. They are white, characteristic, with also a characteristic white stamen in the center. Its flowers resemble those of the calla and the lily. Sword leaf is mildly toxic to humans and animals when swallowed.

Vase, Flower, Green, Keyboard, Computer

Devil's ivy

Lust has light green heart-shaped leaves with yellow hues. It is a fast growing plant and its length can reach up to 2 meters. It thrives even in shady places, but its foliage will not be so glossy.

black leather rolling armchair near white wooden desk


The fern forms sharp, green leaves that are divided into parts, the petals. Initially they stand upright and as they grow they tilt slightly and exceed one meter in length. Brown spores may appear at the bottom of the blades. It shows relatively fast growth and its final height reaches one meter.

white folder on tabletop


The chlorophyll is an evergreen tropical houseplant native to South Africa. It is very common because it does not need any special care and you can easily see it growing outdoors as long as mild conditions prevail. It has oblong bicolor leaves, green and beige, 20-40 cm long and is ideal for hanging pots and baskets. But its main advantage is that it cleans the atmosphere of substances harmful to health, leaving our space free of daily pollutants.

green plant beside white desk


Dracaena is a plant ideal for both our home and our office, as it is one of the plants that easily survive indoors even when the conditions are not ideal. It is one of the plants most often used in compositions. It comes from Madagascar, while some of its many other varieties come from tropical Africa or Guinea. There are many varieties of dracaena, such as the most famous dracaena margina, the dracaena frangrans, the dracaena lemon stripe and the dracaena massangeana that have yellow-green leaves, as well as the dracaena deremensis and janet craig. Dracaena is an impressive arboreal plant with relatively slow growth that can reach a height of 1-2 meters. It has a strong gray trunk with long lanceolate leaves that lean down and differ depending on the type of dragon we choose.

• Tips for growing plants
• Solutions to garden problems
• Ideas for landscaping your yard

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