Metrosiderus, a plant ideal for winds!


Plant description

O Metro iron is an evergreen shrub with fast growth. Its leaves are grey-green or yellow-green - panache (depending on the variety of the plant). There are other varieties with only green or only gray leaf color. Its flowers are impressive, of a deep red color, which are very similar to the flowers of the bellflower and appear at the end of spring (May - June).


Development conditions

It thrives in coastal areas, which it prefers. Withstands wind and coastal plantings. It grows in sunny places. It can withstand even planting in rocky areas. It needs fertile and well-drained soils. When planted in the ground, after the second year, it grows very quickly. It has a strong root system, which is very expansive. It can not withstand frost. It is sensitive to cold.



Metro iron does not have high demands on watering. In addition to fertilizing it, we add liquid flowering fertilizer in the spring period, every 2 weeks to enjoy its flowers. You still do not need special pruning every year except to remove the dried flowers after the end of flowering. Propagated mainly by cuttings during the summer.


A plant of great ornamental value (hence the excelsus), useful in gardening, both for individual plantings and for flowering borders. It is widely used on the islands due to its resistance to winds and salinity.

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