Beeswax, production and uses!


Natural beeswax is the second most important beekeeping product from an economic point of view. It is a miracle product of the bee and its uses in pharmacy, cosmetology and elsewhere are varied.

How is the candle produced?

The wax is produced by young worker bees, aged 23 weeks. It is secreted in the form of scales by the wax glands of the bee that are in its chest and shapes it with its legs and jaws building the honeycomb.

Candle color

Pure wax, as produced directly by the bee, is white. It becomes increasingly dark as it incorporates pollen, dust, propolis and other bee residues or wind-blown pollen.


Candle uses

Beeswax is widely used. In addition to candles and candles, we find it in cosmetics, creams, ointments, medicines, varnishes, car and furniture polishes, cigarette filters (can hold tar without affecting the aroma of tobacco) and many other uses. The wax with which bees seal mature honey (scales), as Romanian scientists have found, has antibiotic substances. This candle has a remarkable therapeutic effect on oral problems (pharyngitis - tonsillitis, etc.) and upper respiratory problems. It also appears to have strong antimicrobial properties against certain bacteria, such as salmonella. It is recommended for the healing of wounds and ulcers and is used as a patch in rheumatism and neuralgia and as an anti-inflammatory. Helps care for sun-damaged, dusty and polluted skin, protecting it from premature aging.

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